U9 Hockey

U9 Half Ice Rules
- 2 - 24-minute run time periods.
- 2-minute shifts (change on buzzer or whistle).
- Referees will be on ice. (1 coach from each team should have skates available in case a referee misses an assignment)
- Other coaches running the gates.
- 4 on 4 is preferred. If short 3 on 3.
- All players get on opportunity to play goalie. Teams dress 2 goalies each game.
- Split your teams so that players of similar skill sets are playing against each other.
- Should only be 2 face-offs, one to start each half. When a goal is scored the team that scored back off half way to their net. The team that was scored on then brings puck up the ice.
Note: First Two teams playing in hour 1 are to install the Divider Boards. The Second Two teams playing in hour 2 are to remove the boards and put them back in their storage area.
(Teams only have 1 hour ice slots including set up and take down of the divider boards.)