2024/2025 Season Information

U13 AA - 1 team - play in SCAHL
U13 A - 4 teams - play in CAHL
U13 AA Female - 1 Team - plays in AFHL
U13 Female - 1 or 2 teams (based on enrollment) - play in the RMFHL
U13 B - 6 teams - play locally in the RDMH City League
Evaluation Sessions: TBA
Team selection and league start dates: TBA
City League Evaluation Player Groupings will be posted to Website under the U13 Tab in mid September.
Information will be updated as details are confirmed
U13 B Game Format
3-20 Minute Stop time periods
2 hours is allocated to U13 Games.
When five (5) minutes remains on the ice permit and after the first stoppage of play thereafter, the time clock will be set to two (2) minutes and the remainder of the game will be played stop time.
When two (2) or more teams have an equal number of points after the final regular league standings, the teams will be ranked according to the following rules. If at any point in the application of these rules a tie of three (3) or more teams is reduced to a tie between two (2) or more teams, the tie-breaking procedure will begin again at Rule 6(b)(1).
1. The team with the best record in games played between the tied teams during regular league games shall be ranked the highest provided all tied teams have played an equal number of games against each other.
2. If the teams are still tied after application of Rule 6(b)(1), then the team with the best record of goals for minus goals against, in regular league games played between the tied teams shall be ranked the highest provided all tied teams have played an equal number of games against each other.
3. If the teams are still tied after application of Rule 6(b)(2), then the team with the most wins in regular league games shall be ranked the highest.
4. If the teams are still tied after the application of Rule 6(b)(3), then the team with the best record of goals for minus goals against in regular league games shall be ranked the highest.
5. If the teams are still tied after the application of Rule 6(b)(4), then the team with the least number of penalty minutes shall be ranked the highest.
6. If the teams are still tied after the application of Rule 6(b)(5), then a coin toss shall be used to rank the teams. If more than two (2) teams are tied, lots will be drawn to determine order of elimination. If this rule is used to break a tie, it shall be undertaken in the presence of the Governor, President and a representative from each tied team.